Nak Makan Sihat? Cuba Resepi Tauhu Goreng Rangup Ini


“Tauhu goreng ibu memang sangat enak kerana rangup di luar, lembut dan lemak di dalam.”

~  Sehari Di Dapur Ibu: Resepi & Nostalgia


Memang sukar untuk kekalkan gaya hidup sihat dan makan secara seimbang apabila anda sentiasa sibuk. Cubalah resepi tauhu goreng yang mudah, cepat dan sedap ini. Untuk kekal sihat, anda tak perlu sediakan makanan yang rumit atau memerlukan bahan yang banyak.



  • Tauhu
  • Tauge
  • Timun

Bahan-Bahan Untuk Membuat Sos

  • Gula Melaka
  • Cili padi
  • Bawang Putih
  • Kicap manis
  • Cuka
  • Kacang– Digoreng dan ditumbuk halus



  1. Campur kesemua bahan untuk membuat sos.
  2. Goreng tauhu.
  3. Celur tauge dalam air panas.
  4. Hiris timun (Potong  secara julienne).
  5. Hidangkan tauhu goreng dan letakkan tauge di atas bersama-sama hirisan timun.
  6. Tuangkan sos campur di atas tauhu (Cadangan: Tuang sos semasa tauhu masih panas).


*Dihidang bersama telur rebus dan kucai




Salwah Abdul Shukor

Salwah was raised with love, good food and lively conversations at her Mother's Table in a Malay-Indonesian-Eurasian-Portugese household constantly hosting guests eager to sample her mother's cooking and her grandmother's recipes. Before she started legal practice, her food adventure was a cake delivery start-up with a good friend which survived with only 2 product lines, moist chocolate cake and lemon cheesecake and a core value that the business must be a Butter-Only zone. She remains an avid baker and tries her best to continue her mother's table legacy.  She believes Malaysians are blessed with the best palate and her passion for good food is infectious, often inspiring everyone at Butterkicap to try as many food experiences as possible.

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