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Butterkicap Picks: Travel Hosts that Totally Get the Malaysian Food Experience

A certain kind of magic happens when you view Malaysian food through the eyes of a foreigner.

It is as if suddenly you are transported back in time to when you first tasted what is now your favorite food.

Thanks to the rise of vloggers on Youtube, you now have the pleasure of reliving this experience all over again. Here are our top picks of Travel Hosts that totally get the Malaysian food experience like we do:


1. The Food Ranger

When he said “The food in Penang is what sets it apart… the quality of the diversity of Malaysian, Chinese and Indian cuisine is enough to make you never want to leave”, we can’t help but smile. Look out for 4:34: when he dipped his Naan in dhall and tasted it for the first time. Pure. Bliss.


2. Chef Gordon Ramsay

Chef Gordon Ramsay travelled all over Malaysia and samples our cuisine like any other talk host, but he won us over when has to cook a vegetarian curry dish for our Prime Minister on Wesak Day at a temple in Brickfields. “My biggest worry is that I have to cook on the fly… agak-agak but that’s the danger, I guess” he says. He throws the ingredients together, and somehow made it work, according to the Prime Minister’s food tasters. But wait for the cherry on top of this series when Aunty Rupa, the temple’s head cook tells him that he needs to add more salt! Chef Ramsay courteously obliges, of course!


3. Chef Anthony Bourdain

We’re so lucky to have the charming and fabulous Aunty Aini to represent Negeri Sembilan’s kampung style cuisine, because her cooking got a thumbs up from Chef Anthony Bourdain! In his words, he says this is “This is delicious, DELICIOUS food” as he digs in the roast beef, poached eggs and rendang chicken rendang, and eats with his hands. Well done, Chef Anthony!



