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7 Malaysian Comfort Food to Mend Your Broken Heart After a Break Up

A broken heart is the worst thing you can ever go through. They make you sad, fat and just feel plain terrible. Before, your life was probably all about sunshine and rainbows. And now, there is just a constant dark cloud hanging over your head.

If you still feel there is hope for love in the horizon? The recent news of Anna Faris and Chris Pratt’s separation might make you want to lie in bed, indulge yourself with junk food while bawling over old pictures of you and your ex. Sad but a possible scenario for many of us; crying buckets over a bucket of ice cream and wondering if you could ever find love again.

So, if you decide to mourn over eternal love’s death this weekend, take time to comfort yourself instead… Malaysian-style.

1. Cekodok


There is nothing like a pick-me-up from a horrible breakup with a big bowl of piping hot cekodok or jemput-jemput pisang. With the rich banana taste that just engulf your whole senses, you will actually forget about your broken heart and focus on the delicious, heavenly bites instead.

See, who says only chocolates can mend broken hearts? Cekodoks are better, yummier and of course, cheaper.


2. Ayam Goreng Berempah

For those who do not even care about gaining weight during the breakup mourning period, some sinfully oily fried chicken may be exactly what you are craving for to fill in the hole of loneliness your ex has left you inside.

The best thing about ayam goreng berempah is that it’s one of the simplest dishes to make. If you have some chicken in the fridge, or a nearby supermarket, all you need is a few ingredients, a kuali and this awesome recipe for ayam goreng berempah.


3. Roti Cheese Naan


Comfort food is all about indulgence and making you feel better even though in reality, your situation is dark, bleak and depressing. Even if love does not work out for you, a roti naan keju will never, ever hurt you with its cheesy goodness.

Just one bite is enough to make you fall in love again and this time, it will stay for a long time because food will never hurt you emotionally, just physically.


4. Nasi Lemak


Crying over a broken relationship is futile. It is not like you’re going to get back together with your ex with tears. If so, no one will get divorced or separated. Let’s not talk about sad things, okay. The whole reason the article is written is for you to forget your sadness and let food mend your heart.

With a classic dish like nasi lemak available, you do not need a guy or girl to complete you because a plate of nasi lemak is a wholesome meal every Malaysian needs.


5. Kuey Teow Kerang Goreng


Not a fan of nasi lemak? No worries! Here in Malaysia, we have other food that can help mend broken hearts. The next best thing would be a plate of kuey teow kerang goreng, freshly made by the uncle at a back alley.

Why wait for someone else to make you happy? Get up, take an Uber and go to the nearest kuey teow kerang stall you know because nothing says happiness than a plate of food cooked with love.


6. Nasi Kandar


For the Northerners, we know you are always being misunderstood as brash, loudmouth and heartless but deep down, there is a soft heart beating underneath which makes you vulnerable to a broken heart. But instead of making sad voicenotes and sending it to your ex, why not spend that time instead to line up for a good mount of nasi kandar?

With its delicious kuah campoq banjir and a huge piece of fried, crispy chicken, it’ll keep your tummy warm and make you realise that no one is as good as that magical plate of nasi kandar and you deserve the best!


7. Karipap Daging


During a breakup, you just want to eat CONSTANTLY. Who cares about weight? Who cares about pimples? Especially when there’s no one around to impress.

You just need to fill the gaping hole in your stomach and heart. But of course, you cannot eat rice all the time, that is crazy! Instead, opt for decadent tea food like 10 pieces of karipap daging to satisfy the burning in your stomach.

With its greasy, rich beef gravy dribbling down your chin, you will realise then, even your ex or anyoe can ever satisfy you like a karipap.



If your relationship has just ended and you’re now walking alone, just keep walking to the nearest place to eat. And remember, other forms of love still exist and the love of food will never leave you alone, crying and depressed.

p/s: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, we are rooting for you. Do not crush our last hope for an everlasting love!
