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Beef Rendang Pie That Starbucks Can’t Even Beat

Credit: Gerald Lee

Beef Rendang Pie has been creating quite a buzz over ever since Starbucks Singapore announced that they were going to introduce their very own rendang pie. Of course, this type of news would spread like wildfire among Malaysians. No surprise there since what self-respecting Malaysian doesn’t love rendang?

While some of us may be hoping Starbucks Malaysia takes the hint, sadly, this pie won’t be coming to Malaysia. Perhaps that is not such a bad thing. After all, most Malaysians are avid meat eaters and the Impossible plant-based meat used in the Starbucks Singapore rendang pie may not give that wholesome satisfaction you get when you eat the OG traditional rendang.

So what if Starbucks is unable to bring the pie to you? The solution is simple. Try making it yourself at home. You can enjoy more at a cheaper price.

It’s All About the Crust!

Everyone has their own way of enjoy rendang. Some like to eat it with rice, some like it with ketupat and for some, they love eating it on its own. If you ask me, I like my rendang in a pie. Imagine the flaky, buttery crust and the oozing beef rendang filling inside… Ooh, I think I just heard my stomach grumble. So, let’s make some pies!


a) Beef Rendang Filling

b) Spice Paste

c) Butter Cheddar Cheese Shortcrust Pastry

d) Egg wash


a) Beef Rendang Filling

  1. Blend the spice ingredients into a paste.
  2. Marinate the beef chunks with the spice paste for 1 hour.
  3. Heat the oil in a wok, fry the cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamon and lemon grass for 5 minutes till you smell the aroma.
  4. Add the beef and spice paste for 2 minutes.
  5. Add water, coconut milk and tamarind juice, at medium heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Add 3 kaffir lime leaves, kerisik, Gula Melaka or palm sugar or brown sugar. Keep stirring till well blended
  7. Lower the heat, simmer for another 1 1/2 hours with lid covered until the meat is tender and the gravy has dried up with a nice dark brown caramelised colour.
  8. You can add salt and sugar to taste.
  9. Leave it to cool.
  10. You may store the left over beef rendang in the fridge or freezer.

b) Butter Cheddar Cheese Shortcrust Pastry

  1. In a bowl, rub the cold butter with flour and salt using your fingertips for 2 minutes
  2. Add 250ml cold water and cheddar cheese into the bowl. Pack the dough together but do not overwork it.
  3. Wrap the dough with some cling wrap and let it rest in the fridge for 20 minutes.

c) Assemble the pie and filling

  1. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
  2. Roll out the pie dough at about 1.5 inches thick. Cut the pastry base using a 5-inch round cutter. This fits both the pie and the pie casing.
  3. Press the dough circles into the pie casing and fill it with the beef rendang. Repeat this step until all the pie casings are filled.
  4. Cut another set of pie circles out of the puff pastry using a 4-inch round cutter.
  5. Place the lids on top of the filling, gently pressing to join the top with the casing.  Use a small fork and press it all round the top edge of the pie.
  6. Poke the top of the pie with a small fork, in the middle. Brush some egg wash. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the crust turns a dark golden brown or a deep golden brown, if you used a whole egg for the wash.
  7. Once the pies are done, let the pies cool for a few minutes in the oven before taking them out onto a wire rack. These pies are best served warm.

12 Beef Rendang Pies, All for You

When god closes a door, a window opens! Now, with this recipe,
there’s no moping or craving for the Starbucks rendang pie. In fact, you’ll be even more delighted to once you’ve taken a bite out of this delicious pie. It will be hard to yourself from eating more than one!

If you’ve gone ahead and baked the pies and are watching them cool nicely on the rack, why not log on to Instagram and Facebook, follow Butterkicap and me for more recipes of your favourite Malaysian dishes. If you have any feedback, comments or even just want to share your experience when making this pie, let me know or share your success on your page while tagging #butterkicap and #justinescakesandkueh. Nothing brings more joy to me than celebrating with you!
